Narissa Rampey serves on Governor's Council
Narissa Rampey has Broken Arrow on her mind every time she heads to Oklahoma City to serve on the Governor’s Council for Workforce and Economic Development.
Rampey, BA resident and vice president/owner of Air Assurance Inc. was recently reappointed by Gov. Brad Henry to the board seat she originated six years ago.
“I have spent a number of years on learning about these workforce issues that impact our local economic development,” she said. “That was my motivation for devoting volunteer time to this council – gathering knowledge to help make BA a better community with a competitive edge when it comes to attracting businesses to the area.”
"It all comes down to workforce issues," Rampey said.
“I think my service on this council and the insights I have learned led to my appointment to the Broken Arrow Economic Development Council,” she said. “It’s because these workforce aspects are so very important to the area’s economic development as a whole.”
Among the potentially valuable insights Rampey brings to BA are the importance of educated workers in the state – and retaining them here.
“Something the council will continue to focus on is a strategic plan to bring more training and retraining to our workforce,” she said. “I know, as a business owner myself that my number one mission is to find the right kind of workers for my company and that is what every business is looking for and we need to offer as a state – plenty of trained and educated workers.”
"Educated workers advancing in their careers and therefore spending money all help the economy," she said.
To that end, state entities provide testing and resources to help potential employees find the right job.
To learn more about those opportunities,visit and go to the section on the Governor’s Council for Workforce and Economic Development.
Rampey invites community involvement. “As chairperson of the BA Chamber of Commerce Workforce Committee, I am looking for people to serve on that with me,” she said. “Those interested can call me at 258-2665. "
Tracy LeGrand
The Broken Arrow Daily Ledger
Reprinted with permission from Broken Arrow Ledger