Eighteen Ways To Get Your Home Ready For Cool Weather
With fall on the horizon for residents of Tulsa, it's time to start thinking about how to get your home ready for the cold weather. Here are eighteen different ways to stay warm and energy efficient this winter.
Stop Drafts: Drafts can waste up to 30 percent of your energy. There are various products that can be used to block drafts under doors and windows.
Change Furnace Filter: Change, or at least check your filter each month. With heavy dirt, comes less airflow, which means higher bills.
Run Fans in Reverse: Simply switching your fans to run clockwise will make your air warmer.
Drain Hoses and Air Conditioner Pipes: This prevents dangerous freezing.
Turn Down Your Water Heater: Lowering the temperature can reduce your water heating costs by 10 percent.
Install Storm Windows and Doors: This reduces drafts and can increase energy efficiency by 45 percent. Be careful though, the ROI can take years to pay you back.
Get a Tuneup: A preventive maintenance tuneup by a contractor will ensure that your heating system stays working efficiently, and most important, safely!
Program Your Thermostat: Set it intelligently, so you aren't paying to warm an empty house.
Use Plastic Insulation: Covering your windows adds a buffer against drafts.
Use An Energy Monitor: These inform you when you have been using more energy than usual.
Use Weatherstripping: This helps prevent air leaks.
Add Insulation: This is particularly helpful in the attic and basement.
Insulate Your Pipes: This will help decrease the chance of freezing pipes.
Seal Ductwork: Up to 30 percent of your conditioned air can leak out of your ducts before it reaches its destination.
Use Tax Credits to Your Advantage: These can make energy-efficient upgrades for your home more affordable.
Be Wise When Selecting a Contractor: Hire an Energy Star home comfort contractor who is certified to help you make the right choices for your home.
Use Alternative Energy Sources: These are often much more energy efficient than traditional methods.
Upgrade Your Furnace: Newer models can save you up to 50 percent when compared to older models.
For more information on how to prepare your home for winter, contact Air Assurance. We can help you turn these ideas into concrete action.Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems) .Air Assurance services Tulsa, Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas. Visit our website to see our current promotions and get started today!