Cooler Days Aren't That Far Off -- Now's The Time To Schedule Your Service Check
The cooling season is coming to a close in Broken Arrow and that means it's time to start preparing for the colder weather that comes with fall and winter. You will begin using your heating equipment more and it's important to have it ready so that you don't find out too late that you have problems that need repairing. Now is the best time to have your heating equipment checked out. If there are any problems, they can quickly be taken care of without causing a hassle to you. Though your heater may have worked fine last winter, plenty could have happened in the months since you last used it. A planned service check will ensure that there are no parts that have deteriorated and could cause major problems shortly down the road. This protects you from losing access to your heater in the middle of winter, when you need it most and a lack of service would be most inconvenient. To avoid any gap in service, have your heating equipment inspected now.During a planned maintenance check, all of your gas or electrical connections will be inspected. Even a small gas leak can be harmful if you are exposed to it for an extended period of time. The burner will also be inspected and cleaned to make sure it is operating as safely and efficiently as possible.Here are a few other routine steps typically performed during an HVAC inspection:
Moving parts lubricated
Electrical connections tightened
System controls verified
Blower components adjusted
Carbon Monoxide analysis performed
A service check will allow you to get the most from your air system. It ensures that all components are clean and working at their maximum efficiency, as well as making sure the unit is operating safely. The savings you create can be enough to offset the cost of the maintenance itself.For more information about inspections for your HVAC equipment, contact Air Assurance Heating & Air Conditioning. We have proudly served the Broken Arrow area for over 30 years.Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Air Assurance services Tulsa, Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas. Visit our website to see our current promotions and get started today!