To Alleviate Dry Winter Air, Consider The Convenience Of Whole House Humidifiers
Cold, dry air can cause or exacerbate respiratory issues, intensify allergies and dehydrate skin, causing painful cracks in your lips, on your nose and around your mouth. It can also be a threat to wooden furniture or wood floors, as moisture is drawn from these porous materials, making them brittle and prone to damage. To offset the dryness of the winter air, many Broken Arrow-area homeowners are choosing the convenience of whole-house humidifiers to create a more comfortable home environment.One major benefit of whole-house humidifiers is that because they are installed directly into your central heating system, you can set them both at once and they will operate simultaneously. Humidified air is distributed evenly to each room in your home through the same ductwork your furnace uses. Unlike many single-room humidifiers, which do not self-regulate, a whole-house humidifier can measure moisture levels in the air and adjust accordingly. This is important, as it reduces the likelihood of mold or mildew growth caused by abnormally high humidity levels.Maintenance is also simpler for whole-house humidifiers versus their single-room counterparts. The latter require the routine cleaning of water tanks to prevent the buildup of mold and bacteria. By contrast, you will only need to clean your whole-house humidifier once or twice a year to remove mineral deposits left behind by evaporated water. No further maintenance is typically necessary.Humidified air feels warmer than dry air, even at the same temperature, so you will be able to keep your thermostat lower and save on your heating bills. A whole-house humidifier is also designed to become a part of your household's water system, so it won't require you to purchase expensive distilled water as a single-room humidifier would. With a whole-house humidifier, you can enjoy a higher level of comfort at a significantly lower cost each month.For more information on the benefits of installing a whole-house humidifier in your home, contact Air Assurance. We're been serving the Broken Arrow/Tulsa area since 1985.Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Air Assurance services Tulsa, Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas. Visit our websiteto see our current promotionsand get started today! Photo courtesy ofShutterstock.