Time To Buy A New Furnace? Here's How To Compare The Efficiency And Cost Of Three Different Types Of Heating Systems
When considering a new heating system, one of the most important factors to consider is the lifetime costs involved with each option. Because the average lifespan of most heating equipment is 15 years, the upfront cost of the equipment may account for as little as 5 percent of the lifetime costs when it is all said and done. Things like operational costs, energy efficiency and repair work all need to be considered. Here's how to compare three different heating options.Natural GasThis is one of the most popular heating options throughout the country. While energy prices have fluctuated over the years, the advancements in furnace and boiler technology have been able to improve their performance, thus requiring less and less fuel. High efficiency equipment begins at 90 percent AFUE (annual fuel utilization efficiency).GeothermalThese heating systems are amongst the most environmentally friendly of the options. It essentially uses the stable temperature below the ground to heat your home. The installation may be more expensive, but the energy savings over the years will be substantial, sometimes as much as 50 percent compared to whatever you are paying now, especially if you have an outdated furnace of more than 20 years old.Heat PumpsThese are considered the middle ground between the other two types of heating options. They consist of a compressor and tubing that are used to extract heat from either the inside or the outside, depending on if you are cooling or heating your home. They may require an electric or gas backup and your home may need some modifications to your electric system to handle the increase in electricity you will be using.To learn more about various heating options and the benefits they can provide, contact an HVAC professional at Air Assurancetoday. We can help you address the unique conditions that your home presents, and give you advanced information on lifetime costs, what additional factors need to be considered and what is best for your climate. We have proudly served the Tulsa and Broken Arrow area for over 30 years.Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Air Assurance services Tulsa, Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas. Visit our websiteto see our current promotionsand get started today! Photo courtesy ofShutterstock.