Put Pollutants In Their Place And Improve Your Home's Indoor Air Quality
The EPA's research has shown that the air in your home could be more polluted than the air outside in large industrialized cities. If you, like most Americans, spend 90 percent of your time indoors, this type of poor indoor air quality could be hazardous to your health.What causes indoor air pollutants?Most indoor air pollutants are caused by sources that release gases or particles into the air. Possible sources of gaseous pollutants include carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, tobacco smoke and vehicle exhaust. Some sources of particle pollutants could include dust, pollen, smoke, molds, bacteria, biological contaminants and animal dander. These are just a fraction of the pollutants that could be causing poor indoor air quality in your home.How do I reduce indoor air pollutants in my home?There are three main strategies to reduce indoor air pollutants. These strategies include:
Source control: It's important to eliminate the individual sources of air pollution in your home. Some possible sources could include types of building materials, inadequate ductwork and various household appliances.
Ventilation: Making sure there is outdoor air coming into your home is essential, especially if your home is considered "tight" construction. This circulates the outdoor air with the indoor air. Some ways to improve ventilation are by opening windows and doors, using fans and air conditioners, and using exhaust fans in bathrooms and kitchens. Of course this can bring in contaminated air, so research your options of how this can work best or have a back up like a high quality air cleaner.
Air cleaners: There are many different types of air cleaners to choose from. Air cleaners range in size from portable, which help clean the air in a specific area, to in-duct or whole-house devices that can clean the air throughout the entire house. Your heating and cooling professional will help you choose which type of system would be the most beneficial for you.
Using air cleaners along with proper ventilation and source control can be very helpful in improving your indoor air quality. Asses these factors in your home and contact Air Assurance today to get started on improving your air quality, and your health.Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Air Assurance services Tulsa, Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas. Visit our websiteto see our current promotionsand get started today! Allergens image via Shutterstock