Tracking Your Energy Savings Is Easy If You Know How To Read Your Electric Meter
There are many changes that you can make in your home to save on your monthly energy costs, such as replacing old appliances with energy-efficient models. The key to tracking your energy savings for efficiency-enhancing changes and repairs lies in the ability to read your electric meter. To best determine the savings of efficiency-enhancing improvements:
Read your meter prior to making the changes.
Make the improvements.
Read the meter again one month after making the changes.
Older-style electric meters have a series of four or five dials on the face, which you will read from right to left as follows:
Observe the right dial and its hand position.
If the hand is directly on a number, write that number down for the first dial position. If the first dial is between two numbers, write down the lower number.
Observe the next dial to the left.
When the hand is directly on a number, look at the previous dial to the right. If this hand has not passed zero, write down the lower number. If the hand has already passed zero, record the higher number.
Continue to read each additional dial in this manner.
Newer electric meters are digital and you simply read the numbers from left to right. If a number is partially in the window, use the smaller number for your reading.The majority of your energy bill is allocated to your heating and cooling system in your home. If your HVAC unit is older, you will find your greatest energy savings in an energy-efficient replacement unit. Often, the long-term energy savings of such an upgrade can make up for the initial costs over time, allowing the unit to essentially pay for itself.For more information on improving the energy efficiency of your Broken Arrow-area home, contact us at Air Assurance today.Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Air Assurance services Tulsa, Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas. Visit our website to see our current promotions and get started today!