Get The Dirt On Geothermal Cooling Alternatives
Summer brings with it heat surges and extremely high temperatures, which can be very uncomfortable. This warrants the use of a good quality cooling system to maintain comfort in your home. Geothermal cooling works by transferring heat collected from your home to the earth's crust. This is done using a refrigerant, which extracts the heat from your indoor air and circulates into a loop in the ground (or into a nearby water source), where the heat is released. Because geothermal cooling loops are placed under ground or under water, they don't experience the same wear and tear that an outdoor unit of a typical central air conditioner might. In fact, geothermal loops usually carry a life expectancy of 50 years, with a warranty to match. Indoor units usually have a life expectancy of approximately 25 years.While some may be hesitant to consider geothermal cooling due to the initial price tag, it's important to consider the year-round and long-term savings these systems offer. Since a geothermal heat pump simply moves heat energy from place to place to either cool or heat your home, it doesn't require the same level of energy as a typical A/C or furnace. Using the constant temperatures of the earth's surface, these systems can sometimes provide efficiencies of 300-600 percent during the winter, a significant improvement over even the highest efficiency furnace.In addition, tax incentives are still available from the federal government for geothermal installations. If you're considering geothermal cooling and heating for your Broken Arrow-area home, you could qualify for a credit of 30 percent of the total cost, with no upper limit.For more information on geothermal systems, or for expert advice, installation, maintenance or repair, contact us today at Air Assurance.Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Air Assurance services Tulsa, Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas. Visit our websiteto see our current promotionsand get started today!