How UV Lights Work With Your HVAC System To Improve Indoor Air Quality
Problems with your indoor air quality? Perhaps what your Oklahoma home needs is a collection of UV lights to help you clean out all the nasty pollutants that have invaded your house. With their uncanny ability to destroy airborne particles, UV lights could improve your indoor air quality significantly.The power of ultraviolet raysWe all know the dangers from extended exposure to the ultraviolet radiation emanating from our sun. Why else would we lather ourselves with slimy sunblock and pay a fortune for a pair of sunglasses? Too much exposure leads to damaged skin and, in some cases, skin cancer.The reason for this is simple: ultraviolet rays have the ability to penetrate and cause mutation of our cells. In humans, this causes health problems. Airborne pollutants, however, have no way of protecting themselves, which means that exposure is a death sentence. UV lights literally break down and destroy these harmful particles.The power of cooperationAirborne pollutants, which include mold spores, bacteria, virus, aerosol contaminants, dust mites and quite a few other types of particles, can cause respiratory problems if they are inhaled. In the fight against these pollutants, the high intensity ultraviolet lights don't have to work alone. They have a partner in your HVAC system.How this works is simple, too: first, the UV lights are installed at either the induct or compressor coil of your HVAC unit. When the system is switched on, the particles are drawn into your ductwork. After a while, the pollutants make their way toward the coil, where the ultraviolet lights are lying in wait. Over time, this process will result in the destruction of many of the pollutants in your home.As if that wasn't enough, there's an added benefit of installing ultraviolet lights. By destroying the airborne pollutants before they finish going through your ductwork, they won't get a chance to clog up your HVAC system.For more expert advice about UV lights, or for questions relating to home comfort, please contact the friendly professionals at Air Assurance. We proudly serve the residents of Broken Arrow and its surrounding areas.Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Image courtesy of Shutterstock