Treat Your Whole-House Humidifier To A Winter-Time Maintenance Check-up

Treat Your Whole-House Humidifier To A Winter-Time Maintenance Check-up

As cold winter winds blow across Oklahoma, it is time to have your whole-house humidifier checked. A properly functioning humidifier not only prevents static and unpleasant dryness, it can make you feel warmer. This is because warm air retains heat better than dry air. The warmer you feel, the lower you can set your thermostat, thereby saving money on your energy bill. Schedule a maintenance check this winter, to ensure your whole-house humidifier runs right all through the winter.

Make sure the technician performs the following tasks:

  • Checks the water panel -- a water panel will become clogged over time due to sediment and minerals. This restricts airflow and makes the unit less efficient at humidifying the home. Water panels must be changed yearly, at minimum.

  • Levels the unit – a whole house humidifier works best when water is distributed evenly over the water panel evaporator. If something caused the unit to shift, distribution may be uneven. This can happen if your house is settling or the unit is moved somehow, for example. A technician can check this and adjust the unit to make sure it is level.

  • Cleans the orifice – the orifice controls the amount of water flowing to the distribution tray. If the orifice is blocked, there will be an insufficient supply of water and your humidifier will not work properly.

  • Replaces worn parts and parts covered with mineral deposits – all parts wear out eventually or become less effective due to mineral deposits. As water evaporates, minerals are naturally left behind and build up over time. These parts can be, and should be, replaced for optimum function of the humidifier.

  • Inspects the seasonal damper – the technician should make sure the damper is set for winter months and show you how to close it later on when summer arrives.

For additional advice about your whole house humidifier and other issues related to comfort this winter, please contact us at Air Assurance. We have been serving the greater Tulsa metropolitan area since 1985 and look forward to hearing from you.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Image courtesy of Shutterstock