3 Easy Ways To Make Your Water Heater More Efficient
It pays to lower water heater operating costs. The Department of Energy estimates that in most households, the cost to heat water comes in second only to heating and cooling costs. To reduce your household’s dependence on natural resources, and save more energy dollars each month, consider the ways you can make your existing water heater more efficient.
Keep heat inside the water heater – Older water heaters are prone to energy losses through the tank wall. Standby energy loss through the tank wall have been an acceptable standard over the years; however, technology advancements now allow water-heater manufacturers to employ high-efficiency insulation in the tank walls. Short of purchasing a new system, homeowners can also save by installing a specially designed insulating jacket/blanket on the exterior of the heater tank to retain heat. This insulating barrier will prevent heat from moving through it, which not only improves the system’s efficiency, but it will also mean more consistent water temperatures too.
Stop heat loss through pipes – When you turn on a faucet or hot-water appliance in the home, the water heater’s outlet pipe opens to allow hot water to flow out. However, this hot water generally travels through cold pipes, especially if the surrounding air temperatures are cool. If your water heater is installed in the basement, this is likely the case in your home. Stop heat loss by applying insulation to the initial 3 feet of pipe extending out of the system. Using heat traps also improves the system’s efficiency, preventing hot water from escaping when cold water flows into the tank.
Maintain the system – Simply put, homeowners who maintain their water heaters every year ensure peak performance from the system. In addition to professional maintenance, homeowners can flush out the water heater’s tank in between visits. If you’re not familiar with this process, ask your technician to show you how during the next service appointment.
For more tips on lowering water heater operating costs, or to ask about upgrades, contact Air Assurance Heating, Air Conditioning & Plumbing today! We've served homeowners in greater Broken Arrow for more than 30 years.
Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).
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