Getting-Away Plans? Plan to Safeguard Your Home Too

Getting-Away Plans? Plan to Safeguard Your Home Too

Getting-Away Plans? Plan to Safeguard Your Home Too

When putting together the list of things to do before you head off for a vacation, make sure that the getting-away plans include your cooling system and other major appliances. These tips can help you keep your home safe while you're away, along with discouraging would-be intruders.Cooling systemLeaving your cooling system on while you're away will give the impression that someone is at home because the outdoor condenser makes noise when it runs. Keeping the system on is critical if you have plants indoors or plan to leave pets behind. Cleaning or changing the air filter for the air handler before you leave will help the system run more efficiently and avoid any problems that could arise from the reduced airflow a dirty filter creates.Have your cooling system professionally serviced before you go. The HVAC expert will clean and adjust the components and spot small issues that could become problems during your absence. He or she will measure the refrigerant, lubricate the parts and clean the electrical connections to improve efficiency. It's also a good idea to give the person watching your home the name and number of the HVAC contractor in the event something happens.Other home appliances

  • As you make your getting-away plans, don't forget to put the garage door opener on the must-do list. Unplug it just before you leave and lock the door between your home and the garage.

  • Turn the water heater down or off, depending on how long you'll be away.

  • If you don't turn the water valve to your home off, turn off the water to your clothes washer.

  • Unplug your smaller appliances like the microwave, coffee maker, toaster, hair dryers, computers and televisions. Not only does it cut energy use, it also keeps them safer during thunderstorms.

  • Check the smoke and carbon monoxide detector batteries.

  • Put a few lights on timers along with a radio to make noise indoors occasionally.

For more information about getting-away plans and your cooling system, contact Air Assurance. We've provided top-notch HVAC services for the Broken Arrow area for more than 30 years.Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  Image courtesy of Shutterstock