Allergies Are Out of Control in Tulsa: Here's One Solution
Allergies Are Out of Control in Tulsa: Here's One Solution
Are you or someone in your household suffering from allergies? If so, then you may be familiar with the multitude of indoor airborne contaminants and allergens that arouse common allergy symptoms of sneezing, watery and itchy eyes and worse in allergy sufferers. You may also have heard that HEPA filtration is one of the leading solutions for an effective indoor-air quality (IAQ) strategy. But, do you know what HEPA filtration is?Understanding HEPA filtrationHEPA stands for High-Efficiency Particulate Air. HEPA filters are the most efficient filters for capturing airborne contaminants, including biological contaminants and particulates. HEPA filtration systems are most common in commercial buildings, hospitals and places where very clean air are a high priority. However, residential HEPA filtration systems are gaining in popularity.A whole-house HEPA filtration system is installed in the duct system by your HVAC contractor. It is a thick media filter composed of a web-like configuration of fibers which alter the path of airborne contaminants and capture them by impaction. A HEPA filter is 99.97 percent efficient of removing particulates and biological contaminants down to 0.3 microns in size.The MERV number of an air filter determines if it qualifies as a HEPA-grade filter. MERV stands for Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value. The MERV scale spans MERV 1-20, with MERV 20 signifying the most efficient media filter available. HEPA filters are rated MERV 17-20.HEPA limitationsHEPA filters aren't for every HVAC system. HEPA filters create a significant pressure drop across the blower, due to their thick size and resistance to airflow. Your HVAC contractor needs to inspect your heating and cooling equipment to make sure it has the power to pull airflow through a HEPA filtration system.Another consideration for controlling allergies in your Tulsa home is using an air filter with slightly lower MERV ratings. MERV 9-16 filters are more than adequate, and capture the following common allergens and contaminants:
Mold, pollen and dust mites
Pet dander
Auto emissions
Tobacco smoke and more
Contact Air Assurance if allergies are a concern in your Tulsa home, and you're ready to do something about it.Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Image courtesy of Shutterstock