Electricity Usage Myths and Your HVAC System: Here's What They Mean
Myths often seem logical and have an element of truth, especially when proponents of electricity usage myths speak with passionate conviction. Here are three such myths.
Leave the Air Conditioner Running
Do not switch the air conditioner off when you go out as it will cost more to cool your home down again.The idea behind this myth is that you waste the energy used to cool your home down unless you keep it cool. This is not true, as while the air conditioner is running, heat is continually leaking into your home, and the greater the temperature difference between inside and outside, the greater the heat flow and the harder the air conditioner has to work. Rather save energy by reducing unnecessary energy loss.
Efficient Air Conditioners Use Less Electricity
An efficient air conditioner will reduce my electricity bill. This is partly true, and a replacement unit will use less electricity than an older, less efficient unit with the same BTU capacity. However, the overall saving will be small if the ducting is leaking or is partially blocked. First, repair your ducting and make sure that your home is properly sealed before buying an efficient unit. Keep in mind that if you buy a bigger unit it will use more power.
Heat Home up Quickly
Quickly warm up your home by setting thermostat to maximum. One of the electricity usage myths assumes that a heat pump or furnace will not run at full capacity unless set to maximum, based on the concept that the thermostat position has the same effect as the pressure your foot has on the accelerator pedal in your car.
In fact, thermostatically controlled devices run at full power until reaching their set temperature, so setting the thermostat to 80 degrees will not make the home heat faster, but it will get warmer than intended and you will waste energy.
To Learn More
If you want to know more about saving electricity in Broken Arrow/Tulsa, Oklahoma, contact Air Assurance by filling in a service request or phoning on 1 (918) 615-4696 and they will schedule a visit.
Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).
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