Extend HVAC System Life and Get the Most Out of Your Home Comfort Investment
One of the most expensive issues that you'll have to deal with as a homeowner is the replacement of your HVAC system. But don't worry -- there are ways to extend HVAC system life. You can start with these tips:
Get it serviced -- As you might imagine, the more you use your HVAC system, the faster its performance will deteriorate. To keep it running efficiently and prolong its operating life, hire a technician to give it a little tune-up.
Change the filters -- When your system's air filter gets dirty, it won't work as efficiently. Start each season with a fresh filter and then change it every 1-2 months, as needed.
Install a programmable thermostat -- These devices are more accurate and flexible than manual thermostats, which means your HVAC system won't be in operation when it doesn't need to be, thereby decreasing the strain placed upon it.
Clean the outdoor unit -- If your system uses an outdoor condensing unit, which most do, you'll want to clear off any debris that has accumulated on it. This can be done by simply spraying it off with a water hose.
Keep the air flowing -- Even if you don't spend any time in a particular room, it's important to keep the air flowing by leaving the vents open. The same goes for rooms that aren't occupied -- keep the doors open to maintain good air flow.
Clean duct grills -- Each year at this time, you should clean the vents and grills of the duct in each room. To clean them, simply put it out and wipe it down with a microfiber cloth or vacuum it.
Leave discharge pipes open -- A clogged-up discharge pipe, the one that runs outdoors from your HVAC system, can lead to costly repairs. To prevent this, be sure to keep it clean and free of debris.
For more expert advice on ways to extend HVAC system life, or if you have any other home comfort concerns, get in touch with the knowledgeable technicians at Air Assurance. We've been serving the HVAC needs of the Greater Tulsa Metropolitan area since 1985.
Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Credit/Copyright Attribution: “bitt24/Shutterstock”