Before You Call a Pro About Those Gas Furnace Troubles, Try These Troubleshooting Tips
Having gas furnace trouble can be a real pain. This is especially true as the weather starts to get colder and you need a reliable source of heat to make sure everyone in your home stays healthy and comfortable. However, you sometimes have gas furnace trouble for very simple, easily fixed reasons. Before you call a professional, make sure you truly have gas furnace trouble that only they can repair.
Furnace Not Turning OnIf your furnace isn't turning on at all, check for the following:
The thermostat is set high enough to activate the furnace. If it isn't, turn it up higher.
The thermostat itself is malfunctioning. If so, get another one.
Furnace Not HeatingIf your furnace seems to be operational, but it isn't producing warm air, check for the following:
The gas or electricity service to your home has been disconnected. If so, pay your bill or contact your service center to inquire about the problem and reactivate your service.
The furnace pilot light is not lit / has gone out. If it has, relight it.
The gas valve is closed on the furnace. If it is, open it.
If there is a dedicated fuse for the furnace, it may have been tripped. If so, reset it.
Having a furnace that isn't turning on or isn't producing any heat can be a pretty common occurrence. Moving into a new home and bumping the furnace with a box could cause some of these. Simple forgetfulness could be the culprit sometimes. Other times the weather in our area goes through a cycling period of hot days and chilly days so that we may forget to turn our thermostats up accordingly.So, before you think about hiring someone to come to assess your gas furnace trouble, be sure to make sure none of the problems listed above are taking place at your home.
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