5 Ways to Keep More Heat in Your Home
The challenge of every homeowner during the winter is figuring out how to keep more heat indoors. Heating systems work hard, but if you've invested in an efficient, modern furnace and have kept it well maintained, you've already taken the most important steps toward lowering your utility bills.Still, there's always more you can do. Here are some tips that will help boost your heating efforts and make your home warmer and more comfortable.
Seal and Insulate
One of the best things you can do to keep cold air out and warm air in is to apply caulk around window frames and weatherstripping in door frames. Plastic film on windows and glass doors should also help. Apply wherever you feel cold breezes.
A door sweep will also keep chilly winds out. Make sure it's attached low enough to do the job without wearing the material out. You may have to adjust it from year to year.
Insulation is perhaps the no. 1 way to keep your home cozy. Have your home's insulation assessed by a professional for its effectiveness. Does your insulation have the right R-value (resistance value) for our area?
An easy way to insulate is by pulling drapes or curtains shut on a cloudy day to keep heat in. Be sure to open the drapes on a sunny day to let sunshine (passive solar energy) naturally warm your home.
Install a programmable thermostat. Program yours with a regular regimen. You might start with a program that is set for 68 degrees in the morning when people are getting up, and then goes down to 60 degrees after everyone leaves. The thermostat will then call for a return to 68 degrees when the household is due to return home in the afternoon or evening. At bedtime, the temperature should once again revert to 60 degrees. If occupants complain of being chilly, urge them to dress warmly.
Contact Air Assurance for more tips on how heating systems can keep your home warmer. We serve customers in Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas.
Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Credit/Copyright Attribution: “VooDoo13/Shutterstock”