Home Ventilation Options to Keep Your Home Cool
While separating your home environment from the great outdoors means that you can control your indoor temperature year-round, it also means that you're not getting the benefits of natural breezes and fresh air. Maintaining indoor air quality is one reason you should pay attention to your home's ventilation, but it's not the only one – you can also use the following home ventilation options to keep your living spaces cool.
Natural Airflow From Windows and Doors
While it might be more appealing during the temperate months, you can easily ventilate your home by opening more than one window. Ideally, you should have windows on upper and lower floors open at the same time, and a clear path for air to flow between them. Warm air will rise and push its way out of the upper windows, drawing in cooler air from down below.
Moving air cools you down the same way that the wind chills you in winter, so a standing fan can help to keep you cool. However, it's even better if you use a ceiling fan. The downward draft will displace the cool air that's sunk to ground level, making it more available to cool you. That can increase the efficiency of your air conditioner, or remove the need for it altogether on cooler days.
Whole-House Ventilation Solutions
A whole-house fan can bring in fresh outdoor air and circulate it through your home. When air is exhausted through your attic spaces, you're also preventing the heat of the sun from warming your attic and radiating downward into your living areas.
If you're curious about how home ventilation can keep you cool through the Broken Arrow summers, visit us at Air Assurance to learn more!
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