Get the Facts About Indoor Air Pollution and How to Improve It
Most people are aware that poor air quality is detrimental to health. However, a recent survey showed that many Americans are unaware that indoor air can be more polluted than outdoor air and that many common products and behaviors contribute to indoor air pollution. The following tips will help you improve your home’s air and safeguard your family against many pollutants.
Change Your Air Filter
At minimum, you should change your HVAC air filter every three months, whether it appears soiled or not. More than half of the people surveyed did not follow this recommendation. Consider your air filter as one of the most important lines of defense against dust, pollen and other common pollutants. In dusty environments or during times of increased system operation, such as winter and summer, it is often best to check air filters every month and replace if needed, especially if someone in the home suffers from allergies.
Maintain Good Ventilation
Proper ventilation in the home helps remove harmful gasses and other pollutants. Keep features such as gas stoves and fireplaces properly maintained and have all ventilation professionally assessed. Many homes benefit from whole house ventilation systems. Also, remember the importance of having carbon monoxide (CO) detectors installed in your home. CO is odorless and any fuel-burning device or appliance can emit it.
Avoid Adding Pollutants
You might be adding to indoor pollution in ways you do not expect. Fifty-two percent of those surveyed said they burned scented candles in the home. While this seems harmless, burning scented candles puts particles of soot into the air. Other ways you could be contributing to indoor pollution include using a lot of household cleaners and deodorizers or storing paint and other chemicals indoors.
Keep Things Clean
Clean the home often to keep dust levels down. Use high quality vacuum cleaners with great suction and HEPA filtration, damp mop floors and use dusting cloths that trap dust.
For more advice about indoor air pollution and keeping a healthy home environment, please contact us at Air Assurance.
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