What Kind of HVAC Air Filter Should You be Using?
With the dust and pollen common in the Broken Arrow area, the right kind of HVAC air filter is essential for maintaining healthy indoor air. To choose the best kind of filter for you, you'll need to understand the factors that play into a filter's effectiveness.
Quality Filters Protect Your Health
Standard fiberglass flat-panel filters may be cheap, but they also offer little benefit. They keep large debris particles out of your HVAC system, but do nothing to improve your air quality. For cleaner air, you'll need a filter with a Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) of at least 5. These are usually fiberglass or synthetic fiber flat-panel filters. Synthetic fibers are packed more densely than fiberglass, allowing them to trap smaller particles, such as mold spores.If anyone in your home has seasonal or dust allergies, or another respiratory concern, look for an air filter of MERV 11 to 12. This range includes pleated filters made of synthetic fiber. The accordion-like folds in these filters provide a greater surface area to trap particles, increasing their efficiency and lifespan.
Better Filters, Better System Performance
Higher-efficiency filters help maintain your HVAC system's energy efficiency by keeping the components cleaner. Dust on your blower fan and A/C evaporator coil places strain on these components and increases their energy demands, which in turn raises your utility bills. The more efficient the filter, the less dust and other debris enters your system.Pleated filters are less likely to clog quickly, reducing the risk of airflow problems. Very high efficiency filters, however, can be dense enough to interfere with airflow. Consult a technician before installing a filter of MERV 12 or higher.Your filter's size also influences its effectiveness. An undersized filter can blow out of the holder or fail to handle your system's airflow rate. Most systems use 1-inch filters, but some use 4-inch models. To make sure you get the right size, take your old filter with you when shopping for a new one.
For professional help finding the best air filter for your needs, contact us at Air Assurance anywhere around Broken Arrow.
Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Credit/Copyright Attribution: “Sonia-Sorbi/Shutterstock”