How to Know When to Replace a Toilet
Toilets are essential fixtures that generally last years and need little more attention than a plunger or wiggle of the handle when the chain gets stuck in the flapper. Though, there are times when toilets should be replaced, which may be by design or through necessity. Following are five good ways to know when to replace your toilet.
Water Leaks
Toilets may leak water from the tank gasket, the gasket beneath the bowl, or from cracks in the porcelain. Water leaks may result in substantial damage to your flooring, subflooring, utilities, and possibly to any rooms located below.If the leak is from the floor gasket beneath the bowl, it should be inspected by a professional plumber to determine the extent of damage. Replace the toilet if the water leak is due to a crack or other damage.
Damaged Tank or Bowl
Hairline cracks are eventually going to leak water. Further, cracks and damage in the tank or bowl compromise safety. If it chips or breaks completely, you are going to have pieces as sharp as broken glass.
Water Efficiency
Toilets manufactured after 1993 must have a maximum flush of 1.6 gallons. If you have a very old toilet, it's possible that it uses as much as 7 gallons of water every time you flush it. Older toilets should definitely be replaced to conserve water and to conserve your energy budget!
Bathroom Remodel
If it's time to remodel your bathroom, then it is time to replace your old commode. This is also true if you are only tearing up flooring for a new floor since the toilet will need to be pulled up, anyhow.
Comfort and Appearance
Toilets that are too short, too tall, too round, or too narrow are just too uncomfortable! You have many options for upgrading yours at your disposal, including heated seats, various color designs, different flushing mechanisms, and more.
If you have questions about toilet replacement or other plumbing concerns, please contact us at Air Assurance today. We have served residents of the Broken Arrow area for more than 30 years.
Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Credit/Copyright Attribution: “Africa Studio/Shutterstock”