Dealing with Pressuring HVAC Salespeople
Buying a new HVAC system for your home brings with it plenty of stresses -- choosing the right size system, understanding efficiency ratings, balancing comfort needs with your purchasing budget. One additional stressor you don't need at this time is a high-pressure HVAC salesperson. Here are some ways to deal with unneeded and unwanted pressure to buy.
Remember the role of sales — Salespersons are there to add value to the transaction, to inform, educate, and assist you. They are not there to force you into making a purchase before you're ready. If you feel like you are being pressured to buy or commit to a purchase, step away from the transaction.
Demand the time needed to make a decision — An HVAC system purchase can amount to thousands of dollars. On top of that, you need to understand multiple factors that contribute to home comfort and system efficiency. This takes time, and if an HVAC salesperson isn't willing to give you that time, they do not have your best interest in mind.
Ask questions until you are satisfied — A pressuring salesperson will not be willing to answer many questions. Yet your HVAC equipment purchase relies on being fully informed about costs, efficiency, operation, and other factors. If your salesperson seems more interested in pushing you to buy rather than giving you what you need to make an informed decision, stop the transaction.
Avoid falling for emotional appeals — Even HVAC salespersons can make an emotional appeal to a potential purchaser. If someone starts pushing your emotional buttons — doesn't your family deserve to be comfortable? Don't you love them enough to buy this high-cost system? — stop the deal. Pay attention to your own emotions during the negotiation. An emotional reaction to a sales pitch is a good sign you're being manipulated.
For more than 30 years, Air Assurance has been serving the HVAC needs of customers in Tulsa and the surrounding Oklahoma communities. Contact us today for more information on how to deal with a pressuring HVAC salesperson and for a sales experience that respects your time and need to make an informed decision.
Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Credit/Copyright Attribution: “greiss-design/Shutterstock”