Smart HVAC Systems: What You Should Know
In your busy life, the temperature and comfort level of your home is just one more thing to worry about. How high or low is your thermostat set? Is it heating or cooling your home adequately? Are you sending air to a bunch of empty rooms? And how much energy is all of this costing?Fortunately, there's a way to deal with all of these issues automatically. It's called a smart HVAC system, and it can make your home comfortable without your having to think about it. Here are some features that can help make an HVAC system smart.
Thermostat. A smart thermostat does more than just read and program the temperature. It measures both temperature and humidity, and can even tell how many people are in a room. The more people, the more heat they generate. Whereas if there's no one in a particular room, it doesn't need air at that moment. Either way, a smart thermostat can adjust accordingly.
Air and ventilation. Once the thermostat determines each room's comfort needs, the ventilation system sends the appropriate amount of air. If one room is too cold, air can be diverted from that area and sent to another section that's still too hot. This is standard for zoning systems. But a smart system can also tell if any one zone is using more energy than it should. Maybe a vent is blocked, causing the system to work harder to cool that room. Maybe someone adjusted their zone's thermostat significantly lower than the others. A smart HVAC system can detect these things and let you know what's going on.
Compressor and air handler. These are the two HVAC features that use the most energy. Therefore, a smart system monitors their use and makes sure they run only when they're needed. Additionally, it can adjust their use based on time, monitoring usage during peak hours to reduce energy consumption both for you and your community.
To learn more about how a smart HVAC system can benefit your home, contact us at Air Assurance. We're Broken Arrow's trusted source for quality HVAC solutions.
Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Credit/Copyright Attribution: “Ramdlon/Pixabay”