How to Remember to Change Your Air Filter
Changing your air filter is one of the simplest things you can do to maintain your heating and cooling system. Unfortunately, it’s also the one thing that many homeowners forget to do. Forgetting about this small yet important task can have a negative impact on your HVAC system’s performance and your home’s overall indoor air quality.If you find yourself forgetting to change your air filter time and again, you can use these tips to give yourself a reminder when the time comes:
Put it on your chore list - One of the best ways to remember to change your HVAC air filter is to include it in your list of household chores. The chore list itself should be placed in a highly visible and commonly visited spot in your home. Your refrigerator door makes a perfect spot for a chore list.
Use your phone or computer to set a reminder - you can also use technology to help remind you of those all-important filter changes, along with other HVAC maintenance items. The vast majority of phones, tablets and computers have calendars with built-in alerts and notifications. All you’ll have to do is pick a date when you want to change your HVAC filter, add a brief message and set your audio or visual alert.
Keep spare filters in an obvious spot - Another thing you can do is place a brand-new air filter in a location where you’re bound to see it on a daily basis. This way, you’ll always have a reminder to change your filter. You can even slap a bright sticky note on the filter with the intended date of your next change.
Have someone else remind you - You can even have a friend, roommate, family member or other loved one reminds you of when it’s time to change your HVAC filter.
To learn more about air filters and other HVAC accessories, contact the professionals at Air Assurance, addressing the heating and cooling needs of Broken Arrow residents since 1985.
Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about air filters and other HVAC topics, call us at 918-217-8273. Credit/Copyright Attribution: “3402423/Pixabay”