How to Assess Your Broken Arrow Home's HVAC Needs

How to Assess Your Broken Arrow Home's HVAC Needs

Buying a new HVAC system for your Broken Arrow home is a significant investment. Apart from the initial costs, you'll need to consider additional costs such as the monthly energy bills, repairs, and maintenance. You'll want to invest in a system that best meets your home's HVAC needs.When it comes to heating and cooling systems, size matters a lot. An HVAC unit that's too big for your home will keep short-cycling and never achieve peak efficiency. It will drive up your energy bills. An undersized unit will run more frequently than needed, wasting energy in the process.So how do you know the right size for your HVAC needs? Here's what you should consider:

Square Footage

Determining your home's square footage is crucial to correct HVAC system sizing. You or an HVAC contractor can get it by measuring each room with a tape measure.

BTU Rating

To enjoy maximum efficiency, you should purchase a system with a suitable BTU (British Thermal Unit) rating. Follow the guidelines below to find out the BTUs you'll need for a room:

  • Under 150 feet – 5,000 BTUs

  • 150-249 feet – 6,000 BTUs

  • 250-299 feet – 7,000 BTUs

  • 300-349 feet – 8,000 BTUs

  • 350-399 feet – 9,000 BTUs

  • 400-499 feet – 10,000 BTUs

  • 450-549 feet – 12,000 BTUs

  • 550-699 feet – 14,000 BTUs

  • 700-999 feet – 18,000 BTUs

  • 1,000-1,199 feet – 21,000 BTUs

  • 1,200-1,399 feet – 23,000 BTUs

  • 1,400-1,499 feet – 24,000 BTUs

  • 1,500-2,000 feet – 30,000 BTUs

  • Over 2,000 feet – 34,000 BTUs

If an HVAC unit is to be used in your kitchen, increase its capacity by 4,000 BTUs. If a room is often occupied by more than two people, you should add 600 BTUs for each extra person. Increase the unit's capacity by 10 percent if a room is very sunny. Reduce the capacity by 10 percent for a heavily shaded room.

By purchasing an HVAC system that's properly sized and efficient, you'll enjoy maximum comfort as well as energy savings. For the best solutions to your HVAC needs in the Broken Arrow area, please contact us at Air Assurance.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about HVAC needs and other HVAC topics, call us at 918-217-8273. Credit/Copyright Attribution: “geralt/Pixabay”