From Cooking to Bathing, Keep Your Water at the Right Temperature
Your water heater does a lot for your home. It gives you hot showers, clean dishes, and much more. However, if it's not set to the right temperature, it can cause problems — especially in winter, as the cold weather can affect its operation. What's the right temperature for your water heater? Here's a guide to controlling the water temperature in your home.
The Sweet Spot
If your water temperature is too low, it can foster bacteria inside the tank, making the water unsafe to use. However, if the temperature is too high, the extra heat drives up your energy bills between three and five percent for every 10 degrees extra. Not to mention that water that's too hot can cause scalding, particularly in young children.
So what's the sweet spot for water temperature? It depends on a number of factors, but for the average person, the Department of Energy recommends 120 degrees. There should be a dial on the side of your water heater that displays the temperature and allows you to raise or lower it. Some people may require a higher temperature, but it should never, ever be lower than 120.
Special Circumstances
When controlling water temperature, there are certain factors that might require it to be a bit higher for your household. For instance, if you have someone in your home with respiratory issues, or problems with their immune system, you should turn the temperature up to 140, to reduce bacteria more effectively.
Another factor is your dishwasher. Does it preheat the water it uses or use the water from your water heater as-is? If it's the latter, you should turn your temperature up to 140, to make sure your dishes get clean enough.
On the other hand, if you have young children or elderly family members living in your home, keep the temperature at 120. Their skin is more sensitive, and hotter water can cause third-degree burns within seconds.
For more help controlling water temperature in your home, contact us at Air Assurance today. Our home-comfort solutions save money and energy for the Broken Arrow area.