Attic Cleaning As It Relates to Strong HVAC Performance
Unless you use your attic as a guest room, office, or playroom, it's usually one of those out of sight, out of mind parts of the house. But that shouldn't be the case. A clean attic is essential to the optimal functioning of your HVAC system. Here are some of the ways that the condition of your attic affects your HVAC system.
The attic is one of those areas of a home where a lot of energy is lost. Attic insulation adds a buffer that limits the temperature fluctuations in your home. It allows your HVAC system to regulate the internal temperature and keep it at a comfortable level with less effort.
If you don't clean your attic regularly, you won't know when your insulation is damaged. Damaged attic insulation won't offer a useful barrier to heat transfer. As a result, your HVAC system will work harder to keep your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer.
Additionally, pests like rodents are likely to find a home in an attic that's hasn't been attended to. These critters eat away at your insulation. Cleaning and sanitizing your attic thoroughly will prevent pests from becoming comfortable in your attic.
Cracks and Holes
Your attic will experience wear and tear over time. It may develop cracks and holes that may not only let animals in but also leak cool air or heat, making your HVAC system work inefficiently and contributing to higher energy bills. Cleaning the attic will help you know the areas where air might be leaking, so you can take the necessary measures to seal them — by having a clean attic.
Air Quality
If you have a dirty attic, a leak in your ductwork will make your HVAC system suck the dust, insect excrement, and other allergens into the attic. The system will blow these allergens throughout your house. That will make your items dusty in addition to aggravating allergies and respiratory issues.
Having a clean attic will improve the performance of your HVAC system and your home's overall health. For high-quality heating and cooling products and services, as well as advice on how to consistently maintain a clean attic, contact Air Assurance, an HVAC leader in Broken Arrow.