Tips to Achieve Fireplace Safety in Your Home
Fireplaces and chimneys account for more than a third of home fires involving heating equipment, which makes it critical for you to learn how to keep your fireplace burning correctly and safely. Here are some essential guidelines to ensure fireplace safety.
To minimize the buildup of creosote and soot, use dry, well-seasoned wood that's been cut to the right length.
Before starting a fire, open the fireplace damper. You may have to use a flashlight or a mirror to look into the chimney to verify that it's open. Keep it open until the fire has been completely extinguished.
Avoid overloading the fireplace. A slow, steady burn is safer than a roaring fire. Large fires generate more smoke and can crack your chimney.
Don't position newspapers, Christmas trees, furniture, books, and any other flammable object close to the fireplace. In case embers are thrown into the room, you'll want to be sure there's nothing nearby that can catch fire.
Never leave a burning fireplace unattended. That implies you should never leave your home or go to sleep while a fire is blazing away.
Have a trained chimney sweep inspect and remove obstructions like creosote from your chimney before the cold months set in. Creosote buildup can ignite abruptly and cause a chimney fire.
Inspect the chimney cap regularly to make sure it's securely attached. If you don't have one, be sure to have one installed to prevent animals or debris from entering your chimney and increase your home's fireplace safety.
Carbon monoxide detectors and smoke alarms are a must-have for fireplace safety. Install and maintain them on every level of your home and outside every sleeping area. Interconnect them so that when one alarm sounds, all the others sound as well.
Even a single spark could cause a home fire, so you should always have a fire extinguisher close to the fireplace to augment fireplace safety.
These fireplace safety rules will help you keep your family and home comfortable and safe this winter. For all your heating and cooling needs in the Broken Arrow area, don't hesitate to contact the professionals at Air Assurance.