What Are the Pros and Cons of an Electric Fireplace?
Is an electric fireplace a worthwhile home addition? Just more than 40% of recent new houses come with a fireplace, and a substantially higher percentage of homes built in the decades since the 1970s incorporate at least one fireplace.
Though not all standard fireplaces get the regular use they once did, many people still miss the appearance and comfort of a warming fire inside the house. An electric fireplace may provide a simpler, less labor-intensive alternative to the real thing. Here are some pros and cons of having an electric fireplace in your home.
Convenience. No need to obtain and/or store firewood and lug it into the house to build a fire. An electric fire starts with the flip of a switch, eliminating the sometimes difficult process of lighting a real fire. After enjoying the fire, just turn it off. No cleanup and disposal of ashes.
Safety. Because there’s no combustion nor flames, certain safety issues are eliminated, such as possible carbon monoxide gas, chimney fires, and sparks or embers from the fireplace triggering an indoor fire.
Less heat loss; higher efficiency. A wood fireplace loses substantial heat up the chimney. An electric unit, conversely, requires no venting or chimney, so all generated heat goes into warming the room. While the process of burning wood is considered an inefficient method for home heating by the Environmental Protection Agency, electricity produces heat with a 99% efficiency rating.
Less ambiance. Few persons would claim that electric fireplaces produce the same classic, charming indoor atmosphere on a winter evening as a crackling, natural wood fire.
Modest heating performance. While electric fireplaces are efficient in terms of energy consumption, perceptible heat these units produce is about the same as a standard electric space heater.
No boost to the home's value. While a wood fireplace may increase home value up to 8%, most realtors agree that an electric fireplace adds no value to the home.
Higher electrical demands. Household circuits must be adequate to handle the fireplace’s considerable electrical load.
For more pros and cons of having an electric fireplace, contact the pros at Air Assurance.