How Can Your Pipes Affect the Temperature of the Water In Your Home?
You may want to draw cold water from your tap but end up with warm or hot water in your glass. Or maybe you could run out of warm water in the middle of your morning shower, forcing you to finish with cold water. These are some of the annoying consequences that you can suffer by ignoring your home's plumbing system. Let's learn more about how your pipes cause inconsistent water-temperature effects.
Pipes exposed to extreme temperatures can rupture and leak, leading to inconsistencies in water temperature. For example, in the height of summer, the sweltering heat can make pipes expand and burst. If hot or lukewarm water comes out of your cold-water faucets for several minutes, your water pipes may have started to leak or gain massive pressure.
Faulty Dip Tube
Your conventional water heater has two pipes that extend into it. One short dip tube draws hot water from the tank, while the longer one pushes cold water downward to the bottom of the tank. When the cold-water tube detaches, cracks, develops holes, or becomes corroded, it causes cold water to mix with hot water. This leads to inconsistent temperatures.
Obstructed Pipes
If you have a tankless water heater, mineral deposits like rust, carbonates, and oxides inside your pipes can hamper its ability to deliver hot water. Vermin, nests, and other debris can also block your vent pipes and prevent the heater from operating correctly.
Just like the other systems in your home, your plumbing system requires regular attention. You can avoid the issues above by making sure your plumbing system is inspected regularly and insulated adequately and that your underground pipes are laid deep enough to protect them from extreme temperatures.
For more information on solving these water-temperature effects, contact Air Assurance. With more than 50 years of experience, our master plumbers help homeowners in the Broken Arrow area solve all their plumbing problems. We also offer our customers a Plumbing Service Plan that helps them deal with potential problems early and prevent expensive and inconvenient repairs.