Did You Know That Plumbing Problems Can Affect Your HVAC Unit?
When you think of plumbing problems, a clogged kitchen sink or a dripping faucet are usually the sort of things that come to mind. However, did you know that plumbing issues can also be a factor in the operation of HVAC systems? Here are some examples of how plumbing is utilized in common residential cooling and heating components, as well as what might go wrong with these systems.
Central Air Conditioner
On a hot, humid summer day here in Oklahoma, the indoor evaporator coil in your central AC may extract more than 20 gallons of condensation from the air as an essential part of the cooling process. If everything’s functioning properly, all this water collects in a drip pan beneath the indoor air handler, then flows down a condensate drain line.
If a clog develops in the system — often a result of algae growth in the drip pan or some foreign object — the pan will overflow. Expensive water damage to the house can occur before you’re even aware of the problem.
High-Efficiency Furnace
High-efficiency furnaces — units with AFUE ratings of 90% or more — utilize a second stage to extract additional heat from exhaust gases. This process also condenses water vapor into a liquid that must be removed through a drain line that may discharge outdoors or into the house's drain system. Signs of plumbing problems include sudden unexplained pooling of water around the furnace.
What Can Be Done?
To cure an overflowing AC, an HVAC technician will clear the clog in the condensate drain line as well as clean the drip pan beneath the air handler. Tablets that kill algae may also be placed in the drip pan to prevent the recurrence of clogs for the rest of the cooling season.
If the furnace is leaking, the cause may be a clogged condensate drain line that triggers an overflow inside the unit or a leaky condensate drain pump. An experienced service tech can pinpoint the origin of the leakage and take steps to resolve the issue quickly.
For professional service to resolve plumbing problems that affect your cooling or heating system, contact Air Assurance.