The Specific Demands Put on HVAC Units in the Spring
Spring cleaning is on the mind of Broken Arrow-area homeowners as the weather warms up. If you’re hoping to stay cool this summer, it’s important to be aware of how spring HVAC problems can affect your summer comfort.
Spring Ahead of HVAC Problems
The outdoor condenser unit on your HVAC system requires airflow to work properly. Anything that restricts airflow, such as new spring plants growing around the unit, will cause your system to work harder. Over time, this can damage your equipment. In the short term, it can also increase your energy consumption and cost you money.
Clearing away any plants that have started to grow up around your condenser is an easy solution to this problem. While you’re doing that, don't forget to check for any leaves or other debris that might have been blown against your condenser over the winter.
Another common spring HVAC problem is soil erosion around your condenser. Winter weather can wear away at the dirt under the concrete pad your condenser sits on.
For an easy fix, use a board to lift the sagging edge of the pad. Pack sand underneath, then repeat on the opposite side. A level condenser unit allows for a better flow of oil through the unit and puts less strain on your coolant lines.
Schedule Routine Maintenance Before Summer Heats Things Up
Other spring HVAC problems can arise due to your AC being off over the winter. It’s always a good idea to schedule a spring checkup so a service technician can make sure your HVAC system is in good working order.
During a maintenance visit, technicians look for leaks or signs of wear that indicate a problem. They measure the refrigerant charge and the temperature of the air your AC is putting out. Electrical wires and connectors are inspected and tightened if necessary. The thermostat is checked to see if it’s running correctly. Any potentially bigger issues are noted so that you can get a jump on fixing them before it gets too hot outside.
If you have questions about any spring HVAC problems or getting your AC ready for summer in the Broken Arrow area, don’t hesitate to contact us at Air Assurance.