HVAC System

Can the HVAC Setup and Airflow of a Neighboring Home Impact Those Functions in Your House?

You've got a great HVAC system. It keeps your house comfortable. It keeps your air clean. What about your neighbors, though? Can what they do impact your home comfort? Here's what you need to know about neighboring HVAC systems.

Impact from a Neighboring HVAC

The main place a neighboring HVAC system will impact yours is in an apartment. The ventilation system for the entire building is connected, so fumes from nearby units can easily seep into your home. If your neighbors smoke, for instance, harmful carcinogens can enter through the building's ductwork. The same is true of other fumes, some of which are harmful and others of which are simply annoying.

What if you live in a house, though? Can a neighboring HVAC system still impact you? It can if it's a noisy one. Your neighbor's system's airflow won't impact yours, but an outdoor AC that runs loudly may be heard from your home.

Additionally, if your neighbors are outside painting, smoking — even barbecuing — the fumes can often travel into your home. A barbecue smell can't hurt you, but paint fumes can. Many paints are made with volatile organic compounds, which can irritate your respiratory system and cause other health problems.

Dealing with a Neighboring HVAC

If what your neighbors do with their HVAC system bothers you, your first step should be politely talking to them to sort out the problem. For instance, if their AC is too loud, you might suggest that they get a sound blanket to muffle the noise.

If talking with your neighbor doesn't work, you may have to deal with the problem on your own. Installing a high wooden fence between their house and yours — with no space between the slats — or a hedge can reduce the noise significantly.

As for harmful fumes in your house or apartment, consider an air purifier. HEPA filters can catch the contaminants that are too small for your HVAC system's filter, such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and cigarette smoke.

You can't control your neighbor's HVAC system, but you can control yours. For help with home-comfort issues, contact us at Air Assurance. We serve the Broken Arrow area's heating and cooling needs.