What Are the Most Important HVAC Tips for Spring?
Spring weather is on the way, which makes this a good time to prepare your HVAC system for the hotter months. These HVAC tips for spring can help you ensure that your HVAC system is fully ready to keep your Broken Arrow home cool and comfortable as outdoor temperatures start to heat up.
Replace Your Air Filter
The air filter in your HVAC system needs to be replaced on a regular basis for a number of reasons. This filter is an important part of helping your HVAC system operate efficiently so that it won’t experience as much wear and tear. This keeps your cooling bills down while also helping your HVAC system last longer. If you have trouble remembering to replace your air filter, consider setting up reminders. You should replace it every few months or sooner depending on how clogged or dirty it gets.
Keep the Outdoor Unit Clear of Debris
Another of the important HVAC tips for spring is that your system’s outdoor unit needs to be free of debris (such as twigs and weeds) on all sides in order to have adequate airflow. This helps your HVAC system work better while also reducing the risk of damage. Head outdoors to clear away anything that’s blocking your outdoor unit, and make sure there is at least 2 feet of space on each side. This includes removing weeds and debris, as well as trimming branches on any shrubs, trees, or bushes that are close by.
Set Up HVAC Maintenance
Also on the list of HVAC tips for spring? If you want to make sure your HVAC system is in the best shape possible for warmer weather, schedule HVAC maintenance. This means an HVAC technician will visit your home and check your HVAC system for any issues it might be having. Your HVAC technician can tighten loose components and handle other tasks that are needed to prepare your HVAC system for spring.
If you’re looking for additional HVAC tips for spring, contact Air Assurance today. We can perform routine HVAC maintenance at your Broken Arrow home to get your system ready for spring.