Does HVAC Wattage Affect a Unit’s Performance?
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Your HVAC system is the biggest consumer of energy in your home. How much energy is that, though? In terms of electricity, how many watts does the average HVAC system use, and how does that affect its performance? Here's what you need to know about HVAC wattage.
Watts and BTUs
Your AC uses an average of 1,000 watts of electricity per 1 ton of cooling capacity. How much cooling your home needs is measured in BTUs. British Thermal Units are a measurement of heat; in your AC's case, it indicates the amount of heat your unit can remove from your home in an hour. An Arizona home will have more heat to remove than a home in, say, Oregon. Therefore, your unit may need more BTUs and more wattage.
There are other factors that can affect the number of BTUs your home needs. If you have a lot of windows, they'll let in more sunlight, resulting in more heat. If you have good insulation, on the other hand, you may need less cooling capacity and a lower HVAC wattage.
The Wrong HVAC Wattage
What happens if your system has the wrong wattage for your home? If it's too low, your AC won't be able to generate enough BTUs to remove heat effectively. The system will need to run longer, using more electricity. It will also be overworked, leading to frequent breakdowns, which will ultimately shorten its life span.
However, if your wattage is too high, it can cause short-cycling, which is your unit turning on and off too frequently. This also puts extra strain on the system and wastes energy. It can also make your house feel clammy and uncomfortable, as well as create hot and cold spots across rooms.
When you buy a new system, make sure your HVAC contractor uses Manual J to calculate the amount of cooling capacity your home needs. That way, they can make sure you get an AC that is the correct size and which has the correct wattage.
For help getting the most out of your HVAC wattage, contact us at Air Assurance. We provide quality home-comfort solutions to the Broken Arrow area.