How to Ensure Your HVAC System Gives You the Best Ventilation in Your Home
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When homeowners think about their HVAC systems, they usually only worry about whether their heating or air conditioning is working correctly. They often forget the V in HVAC: ventilation. Problems with your home's ventilation will lead to poor distribution of heated or cooled air, indoor air pollution, humidity swings, and reduced HVAC efficiency. The following tips will help you get the best ventilation in your house.
Ensure All Registers Are Open
Blocked vents interfere with air circulation and the best ventilation, and they could damage your ductwork as the air pressure increases. Ensure the registers in all your rooms are unblocked and open. Move any rugs, furniture, and other household items that may be blocking the vents.
Change Your HVAC Filter Regularly
A clogged air filter restricts the best ventilation through your HVAC system. Check your filter regularly and change it if it's dirty.
Invest in a Ventilator
You can improve the ventilation in your house by installing a heat recovery ventilator (HRV) or an energy-recovery ventilator (ERV). These ventilators pull in fresh air from outside into your HVAC system and use your indoor air to precool or preheat the incoming air. Using ventilators is similar to opening your windows without allowing the cold temperatures or the heat from outside to enter with the incoming air.
Duct Testing and Sealing
Problems with your ductwork will cause a drop in ventilation. Symptoms of bad ductwork include:
Odors from vents
Hot or cold spots
Low airflow
Rattling noises
Higher utility bills
The best way to find out if leaks and broken ductwork are compromising your ventilation system is to schedule duct testing. HVAC technicians will use specialized equipment to find out if your ducts have problems and, if so, where the problems are located. They can then seal your ducts to enable your ventilation system to provide improved air circulation and avoid energy loss, humidity changes, and infiltration of outdoor pollutants.
Ventilation is crucial to home comfort and indoor air quality. For more information on the best ventilation, contact Air Assurance. Homeowners in the Broken Arrow area have relied on us for all their HVAC needs since 1985.