What Is the Relationship Between Your AC and Your Circuit Breakers?
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Circuit breakers protect your home from excessive electrical current that could damage wiring and other components and even pose safety issues like a fire hazard. Any device or combination of devices that draw excessive current may cause a breaker to automatically “trip” and shut off the flow of electricity to that circuit. If it’s the circuit for the air conditioner, that means cool comfort inside your house shuts off too.
The Biggest Draw
In most homes, the central air conditioner compressor motor draws more electrical current than any single device in the house. Therefore, circuit breaker protection is vital for the AC circuit. Each time the HVAC thermostat signals the AC to cycle on, the powerful compressor draws up to four times more wattage during startup than it consumes once it's running. For that reason, the central air conditioner usually occupies a separate household circuit, including a dedicated circuit breaker rated for extreme use.
Why Circuit Breakers Trip
Circuit breakers may trip due to a number of conditions. Here’s a list of potential scenarios.
Dirty air filter. A clogged AC air filter strangles system airflow. The compressor runs extended cycles and overheats, tripping the circuit breaker.
Low refrigerant. Usually due to a leak, insufficient refrigerant may cause ice that obstructs the evaporator coil. The unit may run almost nonstop and trip the circuit breaker.
Obstructed air vents. The outdoor AC unit requires adequate air circulation to prevent compressor overheating that may trip a circuit breaker. For maximum ventilation, don’t store anything on top of the unit and cut back vegetation to maintain 3 feet of clear space on all sides of the unit.
A worn, aging circuit breaker trips for no reason. A qualified HVAC technician can make the needed replacement for you.
A short or another internal compressor defect. The compressor’s the most expensive single component in the AC system. If it’s out of warranty, upgrading now to a new, more efficient air conditioner may be the preferable option.
If AC circuit breakers are an issue, the service professionals at Air Assurance are ready to respond.