Know How to Keep Your Water Heater Running Efficiently
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Your water heater provides your home with hot water for showers, baths, dishes, laundry, and other household tasks. Using hot water can lead to higher energy bills unless you’re using your unit efficiently. The following tips can help ensure that your home has enough hot water without raising your energy bills.
Adjust for Vacations
If you’re going to be away on vacation, you don’t have to keep your water heater at its current setting. Instead, you can switch it to its lowest setting when no one will be home for a few days or more. This helps lower the amount of energy it uses during this time, leading to lower energy bills.
Look for Leaks
Check for leaks or water around your unit on a regular basis and have repairs made as soon as they're needed. You should also check for other signs of problems with your water heater, such as odd noises. Having repairs done promptly helps keep your unit in good condition over a longer period of time.
Lower the Thermostat
Turning the thermostat down on your water heater can help you save money on your energy bills. Lower the thermostat to 120 degrees and you’ll still have water that’s hot enough for household use. With a lower water temperature, your unit won’t use as much energy when it’s running, resulting in lower energy bills.
Clear Space
Your unit should have at least 2 feet of space around it — or as much space as the manufacturer recommends. Having this much clearance around your unit helps ensure that it’s able to run without any obstruction.
Add Insulation
Newer units might not need this, but an older unit should have insulation around it. This helps the unit maintain heat so it won’t have to use as much energy when it’s running. Adding insulation to older units can help during the winter, especially if your water heater is in the garage or another unheated location.
If you need additional help, please contact Air Assurance. We can help ensure that your Broken Arrow home has plenty of hot water for daily use.