Ways to Stave Off and Eliminate Mold in Your Home
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Do you worry about a mold outbreak in your home? While household mold is generally not of the toxic, black variety that has gotten so much play in the press, any type of mold — and there are thousands — can be concerning. Left unaddressed, mold can create an unpleasant smell in your home while ravaging drywall, wood, carpets, and other materials. Mold spores can also aggravate respiratory problems.
Let's have a look at some relatively easy steps you can take to eliminate mold.
Dealing with Household Mold
Mold generally occurs when damp conditions prevail — say, with a plumbing or ceiling leak. Mold spores are always in the air and looking for an opportunity to colonize in damp places. If your leaky conditions aren't quickly addressed, you may find that mildew, fungus, or even mold have moved in. Once established, mold will give off a rank, damp odor and be evident in streaks or mottled places on your walls, ceiling, floors, or carpets.
A note here: Even if you see black mold, chances are it's simply common, nontoxic black-colored mold rather than the toxic black mold that we've all been warned about.
To control and eliminate mold, keep humidity in your home under 50%. (An inexpensive hygrometer will help you monitor humidity levels.) Change your air conditioner filter as recommended so that air flows through it efficiently and moisture is removed, as should happen during the air-conditioning process. Schedule regular maintenance to ensure coils are clean, which will also help ensure proper dehumidification.
If your house is still too humid, look into exhaust ventilation for the kitchen or bathrooms. You may want to acquire either a portable dehumidifier (you will have to move it from room to room) or a whole-home dehumidifier, which must be installed in your HVAC system.
To eliminate mold that's formed and clean up moldy places, mix a cup of bleach in a gallon of water and scrub. If the mold has proliferated too much, you may need to replace the materials it has damaged, such as sections of drywall or wood floors.
For more on how to eliminate mold, contact Air Assurance of Broken Arrow.