Getting Your Home's Furnace Ready for Fall and Winter
Is your furnace ready for another northeastern Oklahoma winter? Low temperatures during winter months here average around 28 degrees. That’s definitely a good reason to prepare your furnace to keep the house cozy. It’s also important to ensure that your furnace is operating up to specifications to ensure maximum energy efficiency and low operating costs, as well as safety. As the weeks pass and temperatures drop, here are some tips to get your furnace ready for whatever Mother Nature has in store this winter.
Schedule Annual Furnace Maintenance
Now’s the time of year to schedule a furnace checkup with a qualified professional HVAC technician to get your furnace ready for colder weather. This procedure is critical to ensure that all heating components are fully operational and meet industry criteria for reliable operation, as well as economical use. This service also includes vital tests to confirm that all functions are operating safely. Also, if your heating components are still under warranty, annual professional maintenance is likely also specified in the terms.
Verify Programmed Thermostat Settings
It’s a good idea to run through the thermostat settings to make sure they're correct. It’s not unusual that someone might have altered the settings last winter or that conditions in the home, such as the number and temperature preference of occupants, have changed.
Replace the System Air Filter
Your HVAC air filter is ready for replacement after this hot summer. A clean, fresh filter helps your furnace operate up to the manufacturer’s energy-efficiency specs, as well as ensuring that warm air effectively circulates throughout all the rooms in your home. The Environmental Protection Agency, as well as most furnace manufacturers, recommend installing a new air filter every 60 to 90 days.
Protect the Outdoor AC Component
Once you’re certain you won’t be operating your central air conditioner until spring rolls around, consider covering the outdoor unit to protect it from potential weather extremes, as well as accumulation of dead leaves, falling icicles, and animals that might try to take shelter inside the unit.
For professional service to get your furnace ready for winter weather, contact the HVAC pros at Air Assurance.