The Facts and Fallacies Around Ceiling Fans for the Home

Most of today's modern households have at least one ceiling fan, if not two or three. The funny thing is that there's a lot of misconceptions about how they work. We'd like to set the record straight, so here we discuss a couple of facts and fallacies about ceiling fans.

Fact: Ceiling Fans Cool People

The most important thing to remember is that fans cool people, not rooms. This means that if you're running a ceiling fan in your bedroom all day just to keep it cool for when you go to sleep, that's not going to work. It's just a waste of energy.

Myth: They’re Not Useful in Winter

Walk into any household in the country during the summer and you're likely to see at least one ceiling fan running. Walk into the same home during the winter season, and they'll be off. This is unfortunate, because fans that are equipped with a reverse function are useful in winter too. If you set the fan to rotate in the clockwise direction, this will keep heat from rising completely so that your room is a bit warmer.

Fact: Wobbling Isn’t a Huge Deal

Chances are, you've seen a ceiling fan wobble or shake before. This won't really happen on the lower speeds, but it's common on higher speeds. No, the ceiling fan isn't going to fall or fly off. This usually indicates that's something is loose or unbalanced. In most cases, tightening the screws where the blades connect to the base will fix it.

Myth: Ceiling Fans Can Cut Off an Appendage 

It seems outlandish to envision someone's arm flying off after coming in contact with a ceiling fan, but that's what a lot of people believe could happen. Unless you're going to install a powerful motor and replace the fan blades with knives like MythBusters once did, you have nothing to worry about.

If you'd like to know more about ceiling fans or need any type of HVAC servicing, contact the professionals at Air Assurance today. We've been servicing the HVAC needs of Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas since 1985.
