What Is Thermostat Recovery Mode and How Does It Work?
Should you notice that your HVAC system is in "thermostat recovery mode," don’t jump to conclusions. Though you’d think the engineers who design these units could have come up with a better way of saying it, the recovery-mode message that appears on a "smart" programmable thermostat is most often simply an informational update. It’s neither a warning nor an emergency to worry about. So remain calm and keep reading to learn about some of the things your thermostat is telling you.
Here are the most common scenarios in which the “recovery mode” message would appear:
Maybe you programmed the thermostat for the HVAC system to provide a specific temperature setting by a specific time, such as the time you return home from work. An hour or two before that programmed time, the “recovery mode” notice will appear on the thermostat as the system begins to gradually cool (or heat) the home so the specified temperature will be achieved by the time you arrive home.
Similarly, if you go to sleep and want the house warmed to a comfortable level when you get up in the morning, the programmable thermostat will also go into recovery mode at the proper advance time and activate the furnace.
When Something's Wrong
Interruptions to your home's power supply could also initiate the thermostat recovery mode and, in that case, the message will be displayed. This would include events that shut down the thermostat, such as a power outage on the utility grid or a power surge. This could cause various settings in the thermostat to be lost. When the unit gets power again, it will display the thermostat recovery message.
Also, if a malfunction has occurred in the AC or furnace and the unit is not able to achieve the programmed temperature settings, the recovery message will appear. It will continue to remain on the screen past the time when that temperature should have been achieved.
For more about the thermostat recovery mode and what the message means, ask the professionals at Air Assurance.