

When You Leave Home, Don't Lose Energy -- Set the Temperature Correctly

When You Leave Home, Don't Lose Energy -- Set the Temperature Correctly

Is your thermostat set to the same temperature when you are away as when the family is home? A more energy-efficient setting during away times can significantly reduce monthly utility expenses. During the cold months, you can also set the temperature lower when everyone is asleep.If you have a programmable thermostat, the times can be set according to your programming instructions. The temperature can be set to automatically reduce at a certain hour and then increase to provide a higher comfort level when necessary.Advantages of a Programmable Thermostat

  • Programming in advance – You are able to program your desired settings either in the beginning of the week, month, or even the start of the season. Most programmable thermostats have an override function in the event you need to make last minute changes

  • Accurate readouts – The digital backlit display gives a much more accurate reading than the older dial-type thermostats. Newer thermostats have indicators for low battery and the latest models can even warn you if there is a malfunction in your heating and cooling system.

  • Wireless control – You can access the thermostat by a smartphone from anywhere. If you are called away on a minute's notice and forget to adjust your settings, just use your phone to make the necessary changes from your location.

  • Smart recovery features – Several programmable thermostats have the capability to bring the temperature to the desired level automatically. You just set the time and temperature. The thermostat will calculate the amount of time necessary to ensure the temperature is reached by the desired set-point time.

The main purpose of programmable thermostats is to help you save on energy expenses, while keeping an acceptable comfort level in your home. There are several types available with varying programming options. Savings in energy costs is possible without sacrificing the comfort of your home with the capabilities of today's thermostats.Please contact Air Assurance with any concerns about the correct way to set the temperature of a programmable thermostats for the maximum benefit. We have been proudly serving the Broken Arrow/Tulsa area since 1985.Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).

Credit/Copyright Attribution: “Oakozhan/Shutterstock”


Hiring An HVAC Contractor? Look For NATE Certification

Are you looking for an HVAC contractor? Do you know what an HVAC contractor does? HVAC stands for heating, ventilation and air conditioning. Sometimes you will see it listed at HVAC/R -- this adds "refrigeration" to the list of systems the contractor can install or repair.When you have someone working on your HVAC system, you want someone with experience and training -- in other words, someone who knows what they are doing. The best way to make sure that your HVAC contractor fits this description is to hire someone who has NATE certification.NATE actually stands for North American Technician Excellence, a non-profit program founded in 1997. NATE is the only training and testing program supported by the entire HVAC industry. It was developed to establish a standard of knowledge, proficiency and professionalism in order to build customer trust. A contractor with NATE certification has proven that they know the HVAC business and will provide the best service possible.NATE is supported by the HVAC industry, but do other people value the NATE certification designation?  Yes.

  • Contractors prefer NATE-certified technicians because they tend to be more productive than non-certified technicians; they have proven that they have superior knowledge; and they will get the job done right the first time.

  • Local utility companies often require that their technicians obtain NATE certification. This helps keep their equipment running at peak capacity.

  • HVAC equipment manufacturers prefer technicians with NATE certification in order to ensure proper installation, which reduces warranty returns and repair issues.

  • And consumers prefer NATE certification because it gives them the confidence that their contractor knows the equipment and proper installation.

Want another reason to demand that your contractor have a NATE certification? The HVAC industry is constantly changing. There are always new restrictions, new standards, new requirements and new equipment that the contractor must know, so NATE certification must be renewed every five years.Air Assurance in Broken Arrow, OK, was the first HVAC company in the United States to have all of its technicians NATE-certified. Our knowledgeable and helpful staff will be happy to answer your HVAC questions.Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information, click here. Air Assurance services Tulsa, Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas. To get started, check out our website or see our current promotions.


Welcome To Our New Home Comfort Blog

There’s a lot that homeowners need to know about their heating and cooling systems in order to ensure efficient and trouble-free operation, as well as greater comfort and good indoor air quality.  That’s why we’re starting our new home comfort blog for residents of the Tulsa Metropolitan area who may have questions about how to get the most out of their investment in heating and cooling.Ever wonder why your home is cold in some rooms and hot in others?  Or why your energy bills seem too high?  Are you concerned about carbon monoxide and other contaminants in your indoor air?  We can help answer these and many other questions.  Over the next few months, we’ll talk about a variety of HVAC topics, including:

  • Extended Service Plans- Why they are important

  • Purchasing a new system- How to choose and size a new HVAC system and the importance of proper installation

  • Energy efficiency- How energy-efficient systems can save you money

  • Homeowner maintenance- What you can do to extend the life of your HVAC equipment

  • Indoor air quality- Products and services that can help you and your family breathe easier in your home

And, of course, many more.   We’ve been in business for over 25 years, and have a lot of experience with all aspects of home comfort.  In our opinion, the best way for homeowners to stay comfortable, avoid costly repairs and reduce energy bills is to learn how to choose and maintain their systems so that they get the best performance possible, for the longest time.A well-maintained system can save you as much as 30% in energy costs each year!  Other factors, including proper sizing and installation of equipment can also save you significant money on operating and maintenance of your system.So, if you want to know more about your HVAC system, check in with our home comfort blog each week.  Here, you'll find the information that will help you take care of the equipment that takes care of you every day.
