Dealing With Dust: What Is It, and How Should You Treat It?
Dust is everywhere. Fighting it is a constant struggle. Following are some tips that will help you when you're dealing with dust in your home.What is dust?It's commonly believed that dirt and dust are the same things, but that's not the case. Dirt is earth, broken down into fine particles.Dust, on the other hand, is composed of fine particles from a variety of sources, including dead skin cells, mites, pollen, pet dander, clothing fibers, decaying insects and some dirt from the street that may blow into your house. Breathing in these components can be quite harmful, especially if you or your family members suffer from respiratory issues like asthma or allergies.How do you treat your home?Treating your Tulsa area home for dust issues doesn't have to be difficult, but if you want to make an impact, you must be diligent. Here are some quick tips that you can start using today:
Use microfiber cloths -- Feather dusters will do more to spread contaminants around your home than actually contain them. Microfiber cloths attract these contaminants and hold them.
Wash your bed linens and area rugs frequently -- Use hot water to get rid of dust mites.
Change your air filter -- Your HVAC system's air filter should be changed every month. These filters catch airborne particles, but once they're clogged up, their usefulness is reduced.
Invest in an air cleaner -- A great way to remove pet dander, fibers and a whole slew of other airborne particles is to use an air cleaner. These units will greatly improve your home's indoor air quality.
Vacuum frequently -- Use a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA (high efficiency particulate air) filter for maximum impact.
For more expert advice on dealing with dust, or for any other home comfort concerns, please don't hesitate to enlist the help of Air Assurance. Our professionals have been serving the HVAC needs of the Greater Tulsa Metropolitan area since 1985.Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Image courtesy of Shutterstock