Duct Maintenance

HVAC system

Keeping Bugs Out of Your System This Summer

Keeping Bugs Out of Your System This Summer

Pesky bugs showing up around your house? Here are some quick tips that you can implement right now to avoid bugs in HVAC equipment.

Change the Air Filter

While there's a good chance that you know how a clogged air filter can impede the flow of air and affect the efficiency of your HVAC system, you may not be aware that it can also cause a moisture build-up. This moisture becomes an attractive spot for bugs, which is one more reason why you should change the filter on a regular basis.

Seal the Home's Ductwork

Over time, our home's ductwork becomes stressed from contstant use, causing tears and holes to appear. This is how insects are able to get inside your ductwork, which then leads them to the HVAC equipment itself. Foil tape and sealant are all you need to solve this problem, but if you need professional assistance, don't be afraid to ask.

Clean Up Around the Outdoor Unit

All types of insects, including bees and wasps, have been known to invade an HVAC system's outoor unit. Many of these little creatures are attracted by vegetation, debris, and moisture surrounding the system. Your best bet is to keep the area clean and free of vegetation approximately two feet in all directions around the unit.

Call an Exterminator

It's always a good idea to call a pest control expert on a regular basis to keep bugs out of your home. Insects are a nuisance, and no matter where they hole up - whether it's in your HVAC equipment or someplace else - an infestation can be damaging to your home itself. This is especially true if the area you live in is known to be a haven for the tiny creatures. 

For more expert advice on preventing bugs in HVAC equipment, or if you have any other home comfort concerns, please contact the professionals at Air Assurance. We serve the needs of Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about other HVAC topics, call us at 918-217-8273.

Duct System

How Duct Maintenance Helps Ensure A Cool Home

How Duct Maintenance Helps Ensure A Cool Home

There is nothing more frustrating than knowing that your air conditioner is running full blast, yet your home remains stuffy and hot. You may be surprised to learn that your ductwork could be the culprit for the inadequate or uneven cooling throughout your home. Duct maintenance is key for the efficiency and effectiveness of your air conditioner.Duct sealingBefore moving forward with any other type of duct maintenance, you must work with an HVAC contractor to inspect your ductwork for any cracks or leaks. It has been estimated by the federal Energy Star Program that an average of 20 percent of conditioned air is lost through leaky ductwork. This means your air conditioner must work considerably harder to keep up with your cooling needs, both increasing your energy bill while decreasing your home comfort. All leaks should be sealed by a professional for optimal performance.Duct cleaningEvery time your air conditioner cycles on, your ductwork takes on yet another layer of sticky dust and debris. Over time, this dirt and grime builds up, slowing the passage of air through your ducts. Not only will this decrease the amount of cool air that can reach each room of your home, but it will also lessen the amount of air that can be dehumidified in your space. This aspect of duct maintenance should be performed by a trained HVAC professional on an "as-needed" basis.Return ductsWhile your HVAC technician is performing duct maintenance, have him evaluate your current return-air ducts. Many homes do not have an adequate return path for air that needs to be cooled again. As your air conditioner pumps cool air into a room, there has to be a way for warmer air being pushed out to get back to your air conditioner to be cooled again. Without adequate return-air ducts, your home may experience uneven cooling. A contractor can work with you to add ductwork in your wall's cavities, through closets, pantries and other areas.For more expert advice on duct maintenance contact the experts at Air Assurance.  We're proud to serve Broken Arrow and surrounding areas.Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Image courtesy of Shutterstock


Duct Maintenance Tips That Maximize HVAC System Performance

HVAC efficiency relies heavily on duct maintenance. Whether or not you choose to have your ducts professionally cleaned, you can utilize several duct maintenance tips to ensure that your ductwork remains in top shape.First, you need to make an effort to prevent dirt and dust from entering your ductwork. Here’s how:

  • Use a high-efficiency filter. Check the user’s manual to discover the highest efficiency recommended by the manufacturer and use that type of filter.

  • Change the filter regularly. Check filters once a month. Replace them if they appear dirty. This is usually necessary at least once every three months.

  • Make sure the filter fits snugly. Air that can bypass the filter through gaps around the frame may introduce dust and dirt to the ductwork.

  • Seal off return and supply registers during renovations. Dust is produced during construction, so don’t remove the seals on duct registers until the dust has been cleaned up.

  • Vacuum and dust often. Use a damp cloth rather than a feather duster that simply moves dust around, and use a high-efficiency vacuum fitted with a HEPA filter.

Second, you must ensure that water doesn’t get inside the ducts because mold can grow inside moist ductwork. Here are some proper duct maintenance tips to prevent moisture:

  • Repair leaks or water damage promptly. When water is allowed to sit, mold growth quickly follows.

  • Give cooling coils and the condensate drain the attention they need. The coils are designed to remove water from the air while the drain removes the water from the system. Standing water could mean a serious problem that needs to be addressed immediately.

  • Insulate your ducts. Condensation on ductwork walls can occur if proper insulation is missing.

With these duct maintenance tips in mind, you’re ready to maximize HVAC system performance and encourage clean indoor air. For more tips on this topic, please contact Air Assurance in Broken Arrow today.Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Air Assurance services Tulsa, Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas. Visit our website to see our current promotions and get started today!     

Ductwork, Furnaces, Sealing Air Leaks

Help Your Furnace Work At Peak Efficiency With Duct Maintenance

Unfortunately, many homes have duct systems that lose lots of heat through air leaks and insufficient insulation. Properly designed and maintained ducts help your furnace work at peak efficiency, saving you money on energy bills. If your energy bills seem overly high, duct maintenance could make your home more efficientFixing air leaksSealing your ducts will probably increase your home's energy efficiency. Some homes lose as much as 35 percent of heated or air conditioned air due to duct leaks. It's easiest to have a professional find and seal duct leaks, but you may be able to repair some leaks yourself. To seal leaks yourself, use duct mastic, butyl tape or foil tape rather than duct tape. Duct tape breaks down too quickly. Look for areas where your ducts are accessible and check for holes or cracks to repair.Duct insulationDucts tend to lose energy through improper insulation. For example, ducts that run along uninsulated attic walls are not very efficient. If you can see exposed ductwork in your home or know that your ducts sit inside uninsulated walls, it's a good idea to ask a contractor about improving your duct insulation. If your duct system is over 10 years old, it's possible it only started with an R factor of 4.  Today, the new codes require an R factor of double that.Ductwork designProper ductwork design distributes heated or air conditioned air evenly throughout your house. Smoothly curving ductwork and smooth ductwork materials help your ductwork distribute air as efficiently as possible. Check for sharp angles in your ductwork or ducts that are made out of materials other than smooth sheet metal. As part of your routine duct maintenance, have your contractor assess your ductwork design. Make sure your ductwork is the right size, allowing proper air flow to and from the unit.  By not having the correct sized ductwork, capacity and efficiency can be cut by over half.Cost vs. benefit It will likely cost some money to have duct maintenance performed. Luckily, the long-term energy savings from efficient ductwork usually make up for maintenance costs. A licensed and experienced HVAC contractor can help you determine whether sealing, insulating or redesigning your ductwork might save you money in the long run. Currently, PSO even has programs to help you pay for it now!For help with duct maintenance in the Tulsa area, contact the friendly experts at Air Assurance.Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Air Assurance services Tulsa, Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas. Visit our websiteto see our current promotionsand get started today!     Duct image via Shutterstock