Potential Gas Leak Signs and How What to Fix Them
Each year, incidents involving natural gas leaks cause 68 injuries, 17 deaths and an average of $133 million in property damage. Given its potential suffocation and explosion risk, a natural gas leak can be dangerous for everyone in your home. This is why it’s important to understand the following gas leak signs and what to do if you encounter a gas leak.
Rotten egg smell - The sudden odor of rotten eggs is one of several gas leak signs to look out for. If you smell this odor, there may be a gas leak somewhere within or near your home.
Hissing sound - If you hear a hissing sound coming from one of your gas lines, you may have a large-scale gas leak on your hands. Keep in mind that a leaking A/C line can also produce this sound.
White fog - The appearance of white fog, clouds or mist around your home could signal the presence of a ruptured gas line.
Dead vegetation - You may see a large patch of dead grass surrounded by green foliage, signaling an underground gas leak.
Sudden increase in gas bill - If your gas bill increases for little to no reason, it may be due to an undetected gas leak.
If you’ve detected any of the above natural gas leak signs, here’s what you’ll want to do next:
Get some fresh air - Open all of the windows and doors in your home and leave them open to disperse the gas.
Get outside - Get yourself and all other occupants out of the house and outdoors.
Call your gas company - Contact your local natural gas provider immediately.
The best way to deal with any above ground or underground gas leak is to have a certified professional take care of the problem. For all your other heating and cooling needs, contact us at Air Assurance. We proudly serve Broken Arrow and the surrounding area.
Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about gas leaks and other HVAC topics, call us at 918-217-8273. Credit/Copyright Attribution: “paulracko/Pixabay”