HVAC upgrade


How to Make Sure You Get Energy Efficient AC Motors


With warmer weather just around the corner, you may be wondering if your utility bills are going to be as high as last year's. It's true that your energy bills have a lot to do with the HVAC system. So, maintaining energy efficient AC motors will certainly help keep energy usage lower and while also keeping your home cool and comfortable. Here's what to know about getting your AC motor ready for summer.

Energy Efficient AC Motors: AC Maintenance List

When speaking of an "AC motor," we're referring to the blower motor that drives the indoor blower fan. One of the things that helps the blower motor run more efficiently is to be free from dirt and grime buildup. That means staying on target with air filter changes. You don't want your air filter to become totally clogged up with dirt. It will slow down air movement and cause the blower motor to work harder and use more electricity.

Another task on your DIY AC maintenance list is clearing away debris and vegetation that may be hindering airflow at the outdoor unit. Keep at least 2 feet of free and clear space between the outdoor unit and any other vegetation or barriers. Spray the unit off with a garden hose to clean the fins.

Last on your list is keeping the supply air vents and return air grilles free of dirt buildup. This too can hinder airflow through the AC system, which uses up more energy and can degrade indoor air quality. 

Energy Efficient AC Motors: Upgrading Your AC Unit

AC systems typically last about eight to 12 years. It depends on how well energy efficient AC motors are maintained, both pro and homeowner maintenance, and how often the system is used. If your AC is getting up there in years, you may be better served with energy efficient AC motors via upgrading to a new AC unit with a variable-speed motor. Variable-speed motors save energy and boost home comfort!

If you would like to schedule AC maintenance to promote energy efficient AC motors in your Broken Arrow home, contact us at Air Assurance today.

Featured, HVAC system

When Should You Upgrade Your HVAC System?

When Should You Upgrade Your HVAC System?

An HVAC upgrade is a major expense, so it's an investment you want to make only when it's really necessary. With regular preventive maintenance, you can expect your equipment to last for 10-15 years, so advancing age is often the first indicator that it needs replacement. Other signs that it's time to upgrade your HVAC include:

  • Frequent repair bills. Mechanical equipment tends to break down more often as it ages, so if your HVAC system is getting older, you're likely to see more repair bills. In this situation, you should get the input of a trusted HVAC pro to decide when upgrading is more cost-effective than making repairs.

  • Inefficient operation. If your HVAC system runs for extended periods, but it never seems to get your home comfortably warm or cool, it may not be properly sized for your home. The capacity for older systems were often sized using a rule of thumb instead of a detailed load calculation, and the result is inefficient operation, a lack of comfort, and higher-than-necessary energy bills.

  • Rising energy bills. If your usage habits haven't changed, but your energy bills are rising, it may be due to a decline in your HVAC equipment's efficiency. If you have older equipment, upgrading might bring you significant energy savings since today's systems are much more efficient.

Do You Need to Replace Your Entire System?

It's always best to upgrade both halves of a split-system air conditioner or heat pump because mismatched equipment can cause a host of problems. However, you may not need to upgrade your furnace at the same time if it's in good working condition, or replace all the ductwork if it's properly sized and well-maintained.Before you decide to upgrade, it's also wise to schedule a home energy audit. You might discover that by making efficiency improvements like air sealing the exterior or adding more insulation, you can postpone an HVAC upgrade or that a smaller, less expensive system can keep your home comfortable.

For expert advice about whether it's time to upgrade the HVAC in your Broken Arrow home, contact us at Air Assurance.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about upgrading your HVAC system and other HVAC topics, call us at 918-217-8273. Credit/Copyright Attribution: “geralt/Pixabay”