Energy Savings: No-Cost And Low-Cost Tips That Will Keep Your Heating Costs In Line
Want to get a better handle on your heating costs this winter? Oklahoma’s long and often harsh winters can mean much higher energy bills just to maintain home comfort. However, it’s possible to lock in energy savings without investing significant amounts of money by following a few of the tips below. Here’s what you can do:
If you have a manual thermostat, choose a lower indoor temperature for the day time. Energy Savers estimates that most homeowners can save 1 percent on their energy bills if they lower the home’s temperature by just one degree. Higher setbacks reap higher savings!
Install a programmable thermostat to guarantee savings from setbacks. Most models allow you to choose several temperatures throughout the day, and pre-programming this type of device ensures that your home temperature stays within an energy savings range at all times.
If you have exhaust fans, use them sparingly. If left on for just one hour, these fans can draw out a lot of warm air from your home.
Use a lower temperature on your water heater. You’ll still get comfortably hot water and ensure energy savings by lowering the dial to 115 degrees.
Check vents regularly. Your home’s duct supply and return vents were designed to distribute the conditioned air that your furnace generates. If these vents are blocked, you’ll inhibit a balanced flow of air, and perhaps cause your furnace to work harder.
Curtains on windows that face South can be used to your advantage. Open them to let the sun assist daytime heating. During the night, every curtain should be closed to keep as much heated air inside as possible.
Keep your heating bills in check this winter, and ensure energy savings by following these tips. The more tips you implement, the higher your energy savings. If you’d like expert help to assess your home’s overall efficiency, contact Air Assurance Heating, Cooling & Air Qualitytoday! We’ve been serving homeowners in the Greater Broken Arrow area for more than 30 years, and we know how to get the kind of results you want and deserve. Just give us a call!Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Air Assurance services Tulsa, Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas. Visit our websiteto see our current promotionsand get started today! Energy Savings image via Shutterstock