Natural Cooling

Ways to Employ Natural Cooling This Summer

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Every summer, homeowners are on the lookout for ways to cool the home naturally without cranking down the thermostat in the warmest part of the day. Fortunately, there are several things you can do to cool your home without lowering the temperature set point to 68 degrees and forcing the air conditioner to run continuously. Read on for some tips on natural cooling.

  1. Use fans strategically. Yes, fans (including ceiling fans) use a bit of electricity, but they can help you feel cooler by circulating a cooling breeze. With fans on, you won't feel the need to turn down the thermostat. Be sure the blades on ceiling fans are turning counterclockwise; this will help lift warm air to the ceiling and push cool air down to occupant level.

  2. Close blinds, drapes, and shades to block sun. Keeping solar radiation out of your home will help reduce the cooling load for your AC. Whenever the sun starts slanting inside the home, pull the window coverings down.

  3. Open windows whenever theres a breeze. It's not always possible to catch a nice breeze, but sometimes, if you're vigilant, you'll succeed. Usually morning hours, between 7 a.m. and 9 a.m., and in the evening after the sun goes down, you may open the windows and find a breeze is blowing. Make use of cross-ventilation — that is, opening windows on opposite sides of the house so that the breeze is drawn through.

  4. Install thick insulation in the ceiling floor. Several inches of insulation in the floor of the attic will keep the heat from the roof from penetrating your home.

  5. Keep cooking at a minimum. Whenever possible, cook outdoors on the grill or heat up simple meals in the microwave. Avoid using the oven, especially during the heat of the day.

  6. Run appliances late at night. Not only will you keep your home cooler, but you can also take advantage of nonpeak-hour rates if you run appliances later in the day.

For more on natural cooling, contact Air Assurance of Broken Arrow.