Air Conditioning Cooling Service $89
Air Conditioning Check Up $89
When was the last time your air conditioning system was professionally serviced and maintained. Did you know neglect is the #1 reason why air conditioning systems breakdown during the summer months? Nearly, 70% or more of all breakdowns could have been prevented with regular, professional maintenance. Call on the professionals at Air Assurance to provide a hands on approach to making sure you air conditioning system is ready to go this summer. We service all makes of air conditioning systems including Lennox, Trane, Daikin, Carrier, American Standard, Goodman, Rheem, and more. Our one time seasonal maintenance starts at just $89 per system or you can save even more money with our planned service.
The Best AC Tune-Up and Maintenance in Tulsa, OK
Air Assurance provides air conditioning tune-up and maintenance services, which includes:
Inspecting the evaporator coil, if accessible
Test primary and secondary drain lines
Inspect and check condensate pan
Check and clean outdoor condenser coil
Check operating pressures for proper refrigerant charge
Monitor air conditioning cycle
Adjust blower components
Lubricate moving parts as needed
Monitor voltage and amperage draw on all motors
Check and tighten all loose electrical connections
Clean and adjust thermostat
Tulsa’s Heat and Air Conditioning Company
When you choose Air Assurance, you are choosing an award winning, 35+ year old local company. We offer professional services for heating, air conditioning, plumbing and service all of greater Tulsa, Oklahoma. We service all brand for repair or maintenance including Lennox, Carrier, Daikin, Goodman, American Standard, Rheem, and more. Call on the experts at Air Assurance today!